ELEC 226, Spring 2012
Prof. Rich Kozick

Homework 11

Date Assigned: Thursday, April 12, 2012
Date Due: Thursday, April 19, 2012

  1. Reading: In the Ulaby/Maharbiz text, please study Chapter 5, sections 1 through 7.
  2. Labs: We will have Lab 6 on April 16 and 17, where you will design and implement a waveform generator that will produce square, triangle, and sine waves with variable amplitude and variable frequency. I will be available in Dana 305 on April 23 - 24 and April 30 - May 1 to help with your project.

  3. Please solve the following problems in Chapter 5 and submit solutions in class on Thursday, April 19. (These problems are all straightforward and the solutions are short.)

Chapter 5: Problems 10, 14, 17, 24, 28, 31.  PDF file with problem statements

Note: In Problem 28, be sure to label the inductor current directions on your circuit diagram.

  1. The following circuit is a slightly more general version of the clock circuit from Lab 5, where Ra and Rb may be unequal. Assume that the op amp is powered so that -10 V <= vout(t) <= +10 V, and let T denote the period of the waveform produced by the oscillator circuit.



Thank you.