ELEC 226, Spring 2012
Prof. Rich Kozick

Laboratory 6
Design of a Waveform Generator

Objective: In the final lab sessions of this semester, you will use your knowledge of analog circuits to design, simulate, and implement a system that will generate square, triangle, and sine waves with variable amplitude and variable frequency. You will document your design and results in a lab report.

Please work with three (preferred) or two students in each lab group.

Design Specifications:


There are several ways to design this system, so be creative and have fun! The integrator and differentiator circuits in Lab 5 may be useful.

Testing and Documentation:


Schedule:  Prof. Kozick and a lab assistant will be available in Dana 305 for the first 2 hours of each lab session on April 16-17, April 23-24, and April 30 – May 1. Your project is completed once you demonstrate the working PSpice simulation and the circuit on your breadboard. If you finish on April 23-24, then you do not have to attend lab on April 30 – May 1. You should work to complete the project as soon as possible, and do not wait until April 30 – May 1 to build and test your circuit!