ELEC 226, Spring 2012
Prof. Rich Kozick

Homework 10

Date Assigned: Thursday, March 29, 2012
Date Due: Tuesday, April 3 and Thursday, April 5, 2012
  1. Reading: Please continue to study Chapter 13 on Magnetically Coupled Circuits, which is available as a pdf file on Moodle under "Materials from Ulaby & Maharbiz Textbook." We will study Sections 1, 2, and 4 of Chapter 13, excluding the T- and Pi-equivalent circuits.

    Also, please begin studying Chapter 5, Sections 1 through 4.

  2. Lab: We will not have labs on April 2-3.

  3. Exam 2 will be on Tuesday, April 10. The main topic is mutual inductance and transformers, including Lab 4 and Homeworks 7-10. However, you may need to compute AC power quantities or maximize the average power to a load, so you should also review the material from Exam 1.

    The exam will be open-book and open-notes, and you will need your calculator. A printed copy of Chapter 13 will be distributed in class on April 3 or 5.

  4. Each student should submit a summary of your work in Lab 4 in class on Tuesday, April 3. In the work that you submit, you should include for each case (1) a diagram of the circuit that you constructed, with labels for all components and voltage/current phasors (including polarity/direction); (2) your measured values of voltages and calculated currents; and (3) the computations that you performed to characterize the transformer.

    You may use the data that you actually measured in lab, or you may use the following data that will produce reasonable values if processed correctly:
    Synthetic Lab 4 Data

    Clarification of items on Lab 4 handout and Synthetic Lab 4 Data for lab report:

  5. Please solve the following problems and submit your solutions in class on Thursday, April 5. Please note the link to supplemental problems.
    Chapter 13: Problem 13.27.
    Optional problem (for extra credit): Problem 13.26. (Different answers are obtained depending on whether you assume that the lower terminals on the primary and secondary are connected by a wire.)

    Click here for supplemental problems

    Click here for final answers to check your work.
Thank you.