ELEC 226, Spring 2009
Prof. Rich Kozick
Homework 10
Date Assigned: Thursday, March 26, 2009
Date Due: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 in class at 9:00 AM
- Homework
9 is due at the beginning of class on Monday, March 30.
- Please see the Announcement
on Blackboard for the upcoming guest lectures in Dana 113:
Monday, March 30 at 10:00 AM
Friday, April 3 at 9:00 AM
Monday, April 6 at 10:00 AM
- Reading: Continue to study
Chapter 7, Sections 7.1 - 7.4.
- Exam 2 is scheduled
for Monday, April 6. We will discuss the topics for the exam in class on
April 1.
- Please solve the following
problems in Chapter 7: 7.34
and 7.55.
- The following circuit is a
slightly more general version of the clock circuit from Lab
5, where Ra and Rb may be unequal.
Assume that the op amp is powered so that -10 V <= vout(t)
<= +10 V, and let T denote the period of the waveform
produced by the oscillator circuit.
- Find the formulas for
the capacitor voltage, vc(t), during the time intervals
0 <= t <= T/2 and T/2 <= t <= T.
Assume that the circuit is in "steady-state" at time t=0, i.e.,
the circuit has been oscillating for a long time before t=0. Your
formulas will be a function of all of the resistor and capacitor values
in the circuit (R, C, Ra, Rb).
- Use your results for vc(t)
to find a formula for the period, T, as a function of the resistor
and capacitor values in the circuit.
- Sketch vout(t)
and vc(t) versus time, and indicate the effects of the
circuit parameters on the amplitudes and period in your plot.
- How should Ra
and Rb be chosen so that vc(t) is
close to a triangle wave? Please explain based on your formulas
for vc(t).
Thank you.