On the question of which airports near Penn State (State College, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh) are reasonable options if traveling to the meeting from far away and wanting to have easy ground transportation available, here is the answer from an informed Penn State alum. (Thanks to William Keith).
Short answer: If your airfare is getting reimbursed I know of no reason not to use SCE when traveling to State College if any leg of your trip is by air.
Details: SCE is State College's airport and is a taxi ride from town and back. It's a no-frills bus stop of an airport where you're unlikely to experience delays. When I was attending Penn State it was almost always my first connection. It's not a hub, and the 45-minute hop from Pittsburgh or Philly [According to the SCE website there are currently direct connections only to Detroit, Philadephia and Washington Dulles - ed.] can tack a little over a hundred on to an airfare, but it gets you right to State College without any hassle concerning buses or driving. Harrisburg is an hour and a half of drive time away from State College, or a two-hour Greyhound ride (there's a Greyhound station in State College). Pittsburgh is three. I'm assuming by "easy ground transportation" you're not referring to renting a car, which would eat up any savings you might get from flying in to the major hubs.
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