The main objective in lab this week is to obtain an estimate of the unit impulse response of a LTI continuous-time system from discrete-time samples of its unit step response. Then you will use Matlab to numerically evaluate the effect of this system on some communication pulses.
Please use this lab as an opportunity to learn about Matlab. Begin by defining the algorithm that you want to implement, and then we'll help you find the proper syntax and commands to do it in Matlab.
This file contains discrete-time samples of the unit step response of a linear, time-invariant, continuous-time system. The variable t contains the time instants, and the variable s contains the step response amplitude. (The Matlab command whos lists the variables in the workspace.)
What type of system does this resemble? (It may be useful to plot the impulse response.)
Your objective is to approximate the convolution integral using the discrete-time samples. You may want to use the conv command in Matlab.
For which value(s) of T are the pulses "passed" by the system with little distortion? For which value(s) of T are the pulses severely "smeared" so that bit errors would be likely? Explain your results quantitatively based on the value of T and the form of the system's step and impulse responses.
Thank you and enjoy.