ELEC 226, Spring 2012
Prof. Rich Kozick

Homework 9

Date Assigned: Thursday, March 22, 2012
Date Due: Thursday, March 29, 2012
  1. Reading: Please continue to study Chapter 13 on Magnetically Coupled Circuits, which is available as a pdf file on Moodle under "Materials from Ulaby & Maharbiz Textbook." We will study Sections 1, 2, and 4 of Chapter 13, excluding the T- and Pi-equivalent circuits.

  2. Lab: We will have Lab 4 on March 26-27.

  3. Exam 2 is scheduled for Tuesday, April 3. If we move the exam to Tuesday, April 10, then we can finish transformers and give you more time to practice with the material before the exam.
    Please let me know by Monday, March 26 if you have any objection to moving the exam to Tuesday, April 10.
    There were no objections, so Exam 2 will be on Tuesday, April 10.

  4. Please solve the following problems and submit your solutions in class on Thursday, March 29.
    Chapter 13: Problems 14, 22, and 23.
    Optional problem (for extra credit): Problem 13.10.

  5. Please bring your results from Lab 4 to class on Thursday, March 29. We will discuss the lab and provide guidance for a lab report that will be due in the week of April 2.
Thank you.