ELEC 226, Spring 2012
Prof. Rich Kozick

Homework 8

Date Assigned: Monday, March 19, 2012
Date Due: Thursday, March 22, 2012
  1. Reading: Please continue to study Chapter 13 (Sections 1-4) on Magnetically Coupled Circuits, which is available as a pdf file on Moodle under "Materials from Ulaby & Maharbiz Textbook." We won't cover three-phase transformers in Section 13-5. Also look at pages 202-204 in Chapter 5 (inductors) and pages 346-347 in Chapter 7 (an application of transformers in power supplies).

    Chapter 12 on Three-Phase Circuits is also posted on Moodle if you are interested, but we will not cover this material in ELEC 226. EE majors will study three-phase circuits in the senior course ELEC 491.

  2. Labs: We will not have labs on March 19-20. The updated lab schedule is posted on the labs page.

  3. Please solve the following problem and submit your solution in class on Thursday, March 22.
    Supplemental problem linked here
Thank you.