ELEC 226, Spring 2012
Prof. Rich Kozick

Homework 5

Date Assigned: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Date Due: Thursday, February 23, 2012
  1. Reading: Please study Chapter 8 on ac power, Sections 8-1 through 8-4. We will study Section 8-5 on maximum power transfer on Feb. 23 and 28.

  2. Labs: We will not have labs on Feb. 20-21.

  3. Exam 1 was scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 23.
    Several students asked about delaying the exam until Thursday, March 1. Please let me know your thoughts on this before Friday, Feb. 17 at 12 noon.

    I received support for moving the exam and no objections. Therefore Exam 1 will be on Thursday, March 1.

  4. Reminder: Billy Raska (senior EE) is available every week for help sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, 8-10 PM, in Dana 305.

  5. Please solve the following problems and submit solutions in class on Thursday, Feb. 23.
    Chapter 8: Problems 8.12 and 8.21.

  6. Homework 6 will include some problems from Chapter 8 that will be due on Tuesday, Feb. 21.
Thank you.