ELEC 226: ABET Course Objectives and Outcomes

ABET program outcomes that we must meet

Course objectives:

Students finishing ELEC 226 will understand fundamental circuit analysis techniques, including transient, s-domain, and sinusoidal steady-state methods. Students will be prepared for junior-level courses in electronics (ELEC 350) and signals and linear systems (ELEC 320).

To achieve the objectives for ELEC 226, we work toward the following course outcomes.

Course outcomes:

At the conclusion of ELEC 226, students will be able to

  1. solve linear, simultaneous equations to analyze voltages and currents in DC and AC (phasor) circuits.

  2. use phasors and impedances to analyze the frequency response of a circuit.

  3. analyze and design frequency-selective filters using Bode plots.

  4. analyze circuits containing linear and ideal transformers.

  5. determine the average, reactive, and apparent power in sinusoidal steady-state circuits.

  6. analyze the natural and step response of RC, RL, and RLC circuits using differential equations.

  7. analyze circuits using Laplace transforms.
    (a) ** will do in ELEC 320, 350/351, & 480 **

  8. analyze periodic signals using Fourier series.
    (a) ** will do in ELEC 320 **

  9. use PSpice software as a tool for circuit analysis.

  10. analyze two-port networks using z parameters.
    (a) ** will do in ELEC 350/351 **

  11. design and construct appropriate lab setups to test theoretical predictions obtained by circuit analysis.

  12. write a lab project report that is clear, well-organized, and sufficiently detailed to allow replication of the project.