For this circuit analysis, you can use all of the tools that we studied in Chapters 1-5, including Ohm's law (generalized to impedances, V(s) = I(s) Z), KCL, KVL, series/parallel equivalent impedances, voltage/current dividers, delta-Y transformations, node voltage analysis, mesh current analysis, source transformation, Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits, superposition, and op amps (ideal model and realistic models).
H(j w) = (Phasor of output) / (Phasor of input)What is the meaning of frequency response? How do you measure it in the lab?
The transfer function H(s) is defined similarly in the s-domain (assuming all initial conditions are zero):
H(s) = (Laplace transform of output) / (Laplace transform of input)The frequency response is equal to the transfer function evaluated along the s = jw (imaginary) axis. Why??
The transfer function is a ratio of polynomials: H(s) = N(s) / D(s)
Why are the terms poles and zeros used? What is their significance? How are they used to analyze and design frequency-selective filters? Let's look at some familiar RC, RL, and RLC circuits from the point of view of transfer functions, poles, and zeros.