Tuesday, Aug. 28: Meet at 1:30 PM in Dana 305 for a brief pre-course survey.
Wednesday, Aug. 29: No class.
(Class will be made up by having exams on Fridays.)
Thursday, Aug. 30: No lab.
Monday, Sep. 3: Class 9:00 - 9:52 AM in BRKI 66.
Tuesday, Sep. 4: No lab.
Wednesday, Sep. 5: Class 9:00 - 9:52 AM in BRKI 66.
Problems 2.14, 2.16, 2.22, and 2.23: All of these can be solved with Ohm's Law, KVL, and KCL without solving simultaneous equations. I suggest that you solve the problems this way, rather than writing node-voltage or mesh-current equations (we will do those methods next).
Problems 2.26, 2.28, 2.33, and 2.34: Solve these by combining series/parallel resistors and look for voltage/current dividers. We will do some similar problems in class.
Problem 2.29: Use source transformations (we will do a similar problem in class).